Monday, June 30, 2008

Hoping For The Best...

The past couple of weeks have been difficult for my family - I don't spend a lot of time sharing really personal information on my Blog but the few times I have, friends & frequent visitors (who are by association friends) have responded by emailing me with encouragement and kind words. I have truly appreciated that and so I share a project Evan & I made for my Step-Dad yesterday to help him cope (even if it is in just a little way) with a barrage of tests he'll endure today. When I asked Evan what he thought would help Grandpa stay positive & hopeful over the next little while, Evan replied "I think pictures would help him Mommy!" From the mouths of babes eh!!

So, we made Grandpa the Brag Book shown above and filled it with pics of him with his Grandkids, and silly pictures of Evan - and trust me...there were tons of silly pics to choose from!! We had my Mom & step Dad over for dinner last night and Evan gave him the book along with a big hug & kiss. Then promptly followed that up by saying "Now don't you have anything you'd like to say to me Grandpa ??" OMGosh, he's starting to repeat (motherly) sayings I use on him now!!! Too cute!
It is times like this when I remember what a handmade gesture can really do... and how much those precious little 'projects' really mean to those we give them to. Our handmade efforts will be combined with many prayers & good thoughts for a positive outlook for Marty!
Thanks for listening friends - have a great day today!
* Inspiration credit to Michelle Force - I used a card she made, with a similar layout to create this brag book - making a few small tweaks with the Designer Paper Used & some personalized info.

1 comment:

Marg said...

Having gone through the past 6 months with my Mom experiencing some very serious health problems, my heart and prayers go out to you and all your family.

I too made a small photo album for my Mom to keep with her in hospital during the next stage of her recovery.

The look on her face when she shows all the doctors and nurses the picture of her riding a camel in Egypt the week of her 75th birthday, tells me it will play a big part in her recovery!

Wishing you, your Mom and Step-Father all the best...

LOL Marg