Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What does 'play-time' mean to me?

It's a great question... I actually get asked this question a lot!

Like many of you, I lead a very full and gratifying life! If I'm not doing 50 things at once, I feel like I'm not being productive *lol* After many years of trying to figure out 'why' I consistently overfill my calendar, I've finally come to realize that I do this BECAUSE I ENJOY IT!

Last weekend however, I managed to find some free time for me, in my craft room (ie not preparing for a class, a club, and event, an order etc) and came up with some new samples!

Here's one of them - I'll share more over the next couple of posts! Hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed creating them :o) Thanks so much for stopping by today!

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