Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fundraising Update!

The event samples are now finalized, ticket sales are increasing... the excitement for this event is building!
Thanks to all those who've contacted me already to purchase your event ticket, or your take out package! Your support of this event is greatly appreciated! I can't wait for March!!

Without further are the 4 projects that will be showcased at my March 6th event for St. David. Remember, guests get to make 5 of each of these cards for a total of 20 projects!!

All cards will have the option for you to stamp whatever saying you want! The Old Olive/Chocolate Chip/Bashful Blue card is an example of that where the card in the background is stamped using 'Congratulations' image, while the sample in the front was stamped using the 'Love You Much' image! You'll be able to customize all 20 cards with saying that suit YOUR needs!
Also, there will be material provide to complete the 'insides' of your cards and envelopes so that these projects are completely ready for use when you leave the event!
Ticket Sales
About 1/3 of the event tickets are now spoken for - please contact me as soon as possible if you'd like to participate as I'll be ordering most of the event supplies early this week! Thanks to you ladies, we are well on our way to raising $1000 for our local school kids!

Have a great Sunday everyone *GO CANADA GO*

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