Thursday, August 30, 2012

Simply Snow Swirled

Oh's Thursday already!!  Where has this week gone??  In just a few short days, the kids will be back to school, the days will be getting shorter and the nights cooler... Fall will be here before we know it!  I should be posting some Fall themed cards given that intro but instead I'm sharing two more cards the girls made this month at my Holiday in August class!

The card on the left is super easy and can be duplicated for mass production, in a variety of different color combinations.  The card on the right is another triple layer card.  Both cards were made using the very popular Christmas stamp set Snow Swirled.  I love using this set because it has images & sayings that can be combined to complete any Christmas card - inside & out! 

I'm so excited to share that I am planning to have one of these Holiday classes each month from August to December!  Stay tuned for details on how you can participate in a fun incentive program while attending these classes!


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