Saturday, April 10, 2010

Difficult to understand...

There are not many things that stop us in our tracks and force us to reflect like the passing of friends or family. This week, I have watched two separate families deal with the loss of loved ones, taken from them far too early in life.

In both cases, these families struggled along side their loved ones throughout lengthy illnesses - learning more about cancer than I'm sure they ever wanted to know. In both cases, these amazing young women left massive impressions on all the lives they touched - this was abundantly clear as we celebrated their short time with us, this past week.

My heart goes out to these ladies (now angels watching over us all), their families, their friends - and all those that are left to understand 'why' and how to go on without them, and I'm reminded of these extraordinary individuals by some of their favorite sayings / quotations:

"Try to live life from the point of love and trust rather than fear and doubt"

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain."

"Plan for the future, but live for today"

You will be forever loved and remembered Kim & Nicole. May you rest in peace knowing you made a difference in this world for so many...

1 comment:

Donna said...

It is never easy to understand what takes a life. Knowing the loss of someone has a way of making life seem even that more fragile yet brings perspective to how vital a gift each and every day is to behold. Thank you for sharing those quotes... words to LIVE by!