Monday, June 29, 2009

Ribbon Shares! Polka Dots!

What a fantastic way to try out so many of the ribbon styles SU! has to offer! I've been offering Ribbon Shares for a few years now - all different styles and colors - so with the new catalogue about to launch, the time has come to offer up a few new shares! Here's the first share I'm offering:
Polka Dot In Color Ribbon Share:
  • $22 per share
  • Includes total 18 yards of ribbon split into 3 yards of each of the 6 different In Colors
  • Cost to buy full spools of all these colors = $111.50 (90 yards total ribbon)

I'm taking names for those interested now and will order the Ribbon July 1st. I can take the first 5 names for Group 1 of this share. I'm also offering FREE shipping anywhere in Canada for the first group SO ACT NOW to save a couple of dollars in shipping costs!!

Here are the amazing In Color spools!

Here's what the actual share will look like as well as some card samples I made up for my Open House to showcase each color and highlight the gorgeous ribbon!! Each ribbon color is cut into easy to manage 1 yard strips. Each share consists of a total of 3 yards of each of the 6 In Colors (18 yards in total).

Card layout inspiration came from Dawn's Stamping Thoughts. I added the White Grommets and a ribbon knot rather than a bow, but thought the overall layout was perfect to recreate in all the new In Colors shades!

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