Monday, August 24, 2009

Razzle Dazzle Event!

As promised - here are some highlights from Saturday's Razzle Dazzle Event in London!!

The day was filled with great fun, friends, laughter and of course tons & tons of stamping & creative ideas! I love attending these events for a number of reasons...1) I get to see all the great friends I've met by being part of the SU! world 2) I get to learn new stuff and see a million project ideas that I NEVER would have been able to think up myself (lol) and 3) I get re-inspired each and every time I leave a meeting! I would have loved to help out as part of the organizing committee for this event however due to the timing of the event and our family vacation, it wasn't feasible BUT I did work hard to update my Display Board so that other demo's could benefit from some fresh new ideas! I will share a picture of my display board in one of my posts this week - stay tuned for that!

Today, I thought I would share the Make n' Take we got to work on throughout different parts of the day! They were so much fun to put together and each one of them will be finding their way into my upcoming September class schedule!!
You'll see each project up close & personal in some additional posts this week - stay tuned!
Have a great day everyone!

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