Friday, August 14, 2009

Scrapbooking With Single Pictures

I have a tons of single pictures that I've struggled to use because they just don't fill up a 12x12 scrapbook page very well (lol)!
Most scrapbooker will tell you to take double the pictures (6-8) you might want on a scrapbook page so that you have lots of options! I've always followed this advice but much to my disappointment, my crappy camera often left me with just 1-2 good pictures, not worthy enough in quality to land on a scrapbook page! I always thought it was the photographer (me) and never wanted to blame the camera but after having my new camera since Christmas, and taken 0 photography lessons - I can now fairly say it was my 'crappy camera' to blame - lol!

As a result, I ended up with so many single pictures that I couldn't figure out what to do with them until a friend of mine (Hi Angie!) shared her 6x6 album of her kids with me. Angie enjoys making these 6x6 pages/albums because they are a little easier for her kids to enjoy and share with friends!
What a fabulous idea! I now have a better use for more of my single pictures while creating wonderful albums for Evan to enjoy with friends & family!

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