My poor little 4 1/2 yr old has come down with something (?) since last Monday. Fever and just plain out-of-it for 4 days and now a nasty cold has broken out. I know kids get sick a lot but my little guy has been pretty fortunate to avoid much of the 'stuff' going around this season - I joke that he never stops moving long enough for germs to catch him :o) Anyhow, hope this is the end of it and he's back to normal soon!
So, onto Karen's projects! She made 4 of them! Enjoy!
1 Glass Jar using rub ons,
1 full sized card
2 different 3x3 cards!
Lastly, I have been working on a tutorial to share with you - might be later today, or tomorrow AM but its coming!
Hope you'll come back to see it!
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