Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scandinavian Sensation!

I love this new set from the Holiday Mini, and I think its going to be a BIG hit with many, many stampers! The Holiday Mini officially begins on October 1st and I'm planning a special offer to kick start the 'Holiday' spirit! If you're on my customer mailing list - watch your inbox!!

This was one of the cards we made at my Christmas In September stamp-a-stack this past weekend. What a fun group I had here! Thank you Sandi, Laurie, Cheri and Erin for coming by and sharing some time with me! I also had Vickie & Amanda here too looking at Wedding Invitation ideas and I'm thrilled to say that we think we 'might' have found something that will work for Vickie's big event! I promised to work on a couple of samples so that she can get a better sense of how it will all come together! I'll share that with you gals too IF Vickie is ok with that...
So, my card above is pretty much case'd from SCS (kbrown701) - I made just a few slight changes as I already loved her color combination and layout of the card!! I really like using different sized cards to mix things up a bit - this card is a 4x4. The colors are Baja Breeze (new 09 In Color), Real Red and Whisper White. I used the coordinating Scandinavian Wheel as the background, where the original sample by kbrown701 uses one of the stamps from the set. I also used the Scallop Edge punch to create a very simple decorative corner.
Hope you like today's sample. I have a ton of stamping stuff to do tonight but I have lots going on outside of my stamping world - hopefully one day I can share. My schedule is just about killing me lately but I think its all going to be worth it in the end! That's what I keep telling myself anyway so that I keep truckin' along...
Have a great night everyone! Why not leave a message for me if you've stopped by so that I know who's out there! I would love to hear from you!


Rebecca said...

It will be worthwhile...keep the faith, focus on your goal...you can do it! Dont' forget to laugh and have fun along the way!

Rebecca said...

Good morning...I am going to play...will have samples tomorrow. I got tagged..so i tagged you..check it out!